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This institution only is present at world of spirit. Really to transform societies is a phenomenon of which human capacity become useful any information, however is necessary to practice reason of responsible foundation, then we like to produce inf...

Details of integrity of this institution

This institution is vital expression to be considered, since it is evolution of conscience. The same work of human nature at evolution man is excellent reality, it has well-known function before of the social state together to our God, so that expl...

the life as institution

Society, very knowledges meet comprehension with use of agreements of just occasions, yes this is what permits to do specific conclusions about human nature, therefore intelligences are more capable to transform potentials if they work out manners t...

social text

Of course, this institution exists only in the world of the spirit, with it the population in the world have good reading and comprehension about the spirit, to understand very much, so that it has correct orientation to pass for the people excel...

Third book: development of human attributes using the conception of the reason

Ok! The reading in this book has capable solution to help to discern content of just capacity, In it a person can to see evolution of a society, looking for real dimensions towards the human attributes. With certainty it´s reading transforms con...

Second book: evolution of conscience

We must to understand origins and aspects to discern in this book. Of course that the people look for more interests in life, therefore you need to transform just life in real mental evolution or capable emotion....

First book: metaphysics of tomorrow

It is a work so essential, for the fact that has undertakings to show and can to give information about intelligent solidarity, this is specific coordinate to establish original and social states to the societies....